Wednesday, July 20, 2005

\\20th July, Wednesday//

Fever. Tho i dun feel it. Been absent from sch for 3 days already. Guessed i missed quite a bit already. Missed my friends, and of course my trumpet. Must be the rain i caught on friday. No doubt. At least now i dun feel so bad. Medicine is taking effect. I feel sleepy. Guess i gonna wait till 2-3Pm for my friends to get home. Then its hw time once again. For now... I guess i go take a quick and short nap. Been a good happy 3 days tho. Spent it meaningfully i guess. : )

I'm Confused|12:16 PM|


Saturday, July 16, 2005

\\16th July, Saturday//

Hm. Been around a week since i last blogged. Nth to blog about. Busy week it has been. Band fiesta tml. Sentosa performance was yesterday. Exchange with shanghai kids although they did not turn up was on tuesday. Let me recall yesterday :P

Rain and rain the whole day. And being in charge of instruments, i was drenched with sweat and rain. Ok la. At least did perform. Solo... screwed up... but wasnt THAT bad. Ok la. Got sound lol. Can breeze trough. Sway. So nice. Aussies are very friendly. Thats all i can say. And, I am so happy now. Lol. : )

I'm Confused|3:24 PM|


Thursday, July 07, 2005

\\7th of July, Thursday//

Hey ppl. Guess what. I think i am finally well enough to go sch tmr! I missed three days of sch. And that is 3 days of hard work to catch up! Argh. Work hard! Anyway, Performance on Sunday. Dun know where. Some bukit sth community centre. I think. More or less. And two exchanges the next week. Sentosa performance. Band fiestia. Wah. Long list of performances ahead. Gonna be a tough month. So have to buck up on both work and band. My high notes are getting better and sounding nicer! : ) Life's getting better :). Or at least i think so. Kk. Time to go finish up my maths.

I'm Confused|5:43 PM|


Wednesday, July 06, 2005

\\6th of July, Wednesday//

Hm. 2 days since i have been sick. Vomitting, Headache and all those crap. Feel so bad. I will surely lag behind in hw. Argh. Life isnt good at all now. : ( Studies, friends and stuff. Haiz. Ok. Just a short post. Now to contiune my work and wait for 3B friends to come back so i can ask hw. Cya guys.

I'm Confused|12:30 PM|


Sunday, July 03, 2005

\\3rd of July, Sunday//

Just reached home. Feeling kinda pissed. Oh well. Been a long day. Tuition and stuff and work and blah blah. Hm. Cant really recall much things. Yeah. i lost my quatermaster badge. Sad :(. have to go ask esther teo to sell me i guess. And. Happy birthday Joyce n Raina. If any of you two are reading it : ). Hm. Nth much i can blog about. No one thinks well when he is in a bad mood.

I'm Confused|11:09 PM|


Thursday, June 23, 2005

\\June 23nd, Thursday//

w00t. Its already thursday, night. Haiz. Holiday flies. Oh well. I have to rush out that darn pile of hw. I really mean rush. And i guess no more outings. Unless those ppl can make it. I mean my pri sch friends. Just finished tuition. And read Hs's blog. Nice one pal. Model housewife. Whack you then you know. Haha. I shall finish E.maths today or i wont be sleeping. I SWEAR. Oh well. Waiting for lost and Inuysha. Then its hw time till early morning i guess. Haha. Stress is the word now. Rushing and rushing. 3 more days to the end of the hols I must make good use of it. I must : ) Ok. Guess now its some Maths and then Tv... and then... Work shall keep me occupied. Oh well. Have fun guys : )

I'm Confused|9:56 PM|


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

\\June 20th, Monday to June 21st Tuesday//

Back from chalet. Kinda fun, but super tiring. Lol... And it added a whole load of questions to my head. :P Ok... lets start the update...

Ok, I went to school at 8am for my band prac. Mr Tan left early at around 10.45am? Then it was all hell loose for my section lol. Percy... Is doing insane stuff... As usual. Lol. Ok... i left at around 12pm.. and made my way to east coast. Took bus to Tao Nan... then walked to east coast mac. Only the twins were there... so waited. Talked a lot of crap haha. The others arrived... Left our bags with the twins dad, then went to the bicycle koisk. And oh.. It was BUDGET TO THE MAX, only 5 bucks for one whole day?! Oh well... the twins dad know him... and oh well... so happy. Can save some money liao. Then made our way to cycle a long way to safra.

Hm... K... arrived... carried the damn heavy red plastic bag carrying bee hoon. Hm... Waited for the key, then went in. And oh well... Its like so damn big. So big. Ok... ate lunch. Oh yeah... i made the orange syrup :P. Nth to be big of.. haha. Ok, Then went bowling. Played that pair thinggy so we can save some money. The pair who gets the last score will be thrown into the pool. Ok... first game i was with marsha, not bad, second score out of four. Carey and John was last : ) Next game... me and karen, w00t, tough match between us and carey and hs. Fighting for bottom score lol. Luckily, we got second last. Close shave. :)

Ok, by then i think it was 5++. Ate beehoon back at the chalet, and then, watched some tv. Went cycling at around 7 plus, by then... i am so damn tired haha. We went past the bball court, then played 4 on 4 with the guys there. John got injured... by then... score was 6-1 i think... we were currently winning. Wah... in the end... they won back like 10-9. Wah... this was a nice match. Ok... went to find the gals who have went off without us. Said they were at breakwater. Thought it was at east coast. In the end it was the wrong way. Anyway, met up, and went to the habour. Played truth or dare. Wah, that was horrible. Kana twice. And they asked those... super embarrassing questions. Oh well.

Went back to chalet and bathed. PLayed some games, watch some tv and crap like that. Then it was cleaning up of the kitchen for me. So dirty and messy. EEk. Oh well... i like neatness. Haha. Ok... it was back to dumb games like murderer and stuff like that in the late night. Slept from 1to 5 i guess. Woke up. Found the guys bed empty. Went down. Found everyone down. Hm.. Oh yeah. Karen said she got stomachache. And carey and hs... Erm.. those ppl shouild know. Boo. 6 ppl shared one small room. Everyone was so tired. Haha. Ok... balh balh. Cannot really remember what happened then.

Cycled back to east coast to return the bikes. Then i t was don house for us. All of us fell asleep on the bus and train. So tired. Watched shutter. Quite nice. Should have watched during the night man. That can scare the daylights out of everyone. Yeah... and it was home sweet home. Had a long sleep from 6pm to 9am. Only seen Don and Hs online so far. Guess everyone still sleeping. : )

Hw time. And lots of stuff to think about. Tough day ahead

I'm Confused|12:10 PM|


[The Confused]

Name: Zhanwei
Birthday: 21/05/1990
School: Victoria Sch
CCA: VsCb Trumpter
Hates: Tons of hw... lots of noise
Likes: My trumpet! Talking on MSN... Com.... And...

[Music's Playin]

Artist: Enya
Song: Waterfall Piano

[My Past Memories]


[Talk To Me]

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